Living in a dangerous place where you can manage the dangers is one things. But not everyone is able to. However an individual would be wise to note the dangers and get out. The fact they are not getting out does not mean it is God's fault.
If there was no warning, was that really the case? Or could it be that relations with others had broken down, therefore the group in the know did not bother passing on the message that Mount Vesuvius was about to blow.
Also, active volcanos are tourist attractions.
Tsunamis - not so much for obvious reasons. But providing everyone is at a safe distance you can guarantee there would be an appreciative audience. In this country we sometimes get rough seas and warning are put out not to go near the sea. So what happens? Yes you still find an audience and often someone has gone surfing too. I notice in Australia some people go surfing with sharks.
The Bible advocates against putting your or other people lives in jeopardy. But this does not stop people from tombstoning. Nor does it stop high speed racing where cars have been know to career off the track and kill members of the audience and the driver.
And even if you are being careful, sad fact is accidents happen. So stay alert and don't numb your senses. Also love your neighbour as yourself. They might have some useful warnings they could share with you.